19th Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático

The papers presented in the LACC 2020 will be published in a book of the series Studies in System, Decision and Control of Springer (https://www.springer.com/series/13304).

 The main objective of LACC 2020 is to bring the control world community, and especially the Control Latin American community to analyse the current development and future challenges of Automatic Control and particularly in Latin American

INVITED SESSIONS: Invited sessions consist in six regular papers based on invitation by organizers. Topics of special interest to organize invited sessions but not limited are: Industry 4.0; Industrial Safety and Cibersecurity, Manufacturing, Robotics; Renewal Energies and Automation; Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence and Control. The proposal of invited sessions should be sent to the Chair of the International Program Committee.


Arquivos para download:



Data: Início: 30/11/2020
Encerramento: 04/12/2020
Local: La Habana, Cuba Site: http://lacc2020.github.io/