The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
AdCONPI is a triennial international conference. This symposium aims at bringing together researchers and practioners from academia and industry to discuss the state of art on developments/techniques in advanced control and its applications in industrial processes. The emphasis of this symposium will be on the theory and practice of advanced industrial control methods. Main topics for the symposium include, but are no limited to, the following:
? Process Control and Automation
? Signal Processing
? Identification and Estimation
? Controller Performance Evaluation
? Fault Detection and Diagnosis
? Data Reconciliation
? Data Mining and Data Analytics
? Computer Integrated Manufacturing
? Safe Process Operating Systems
? Integration of Process Design and Control
? Health Informatics and Bioinformatics
? Factory Automation
? Intelligent Control
? Adaptive and Learning Systems
? Robotics and Mechatronics
? Process Integration and Optimization