Análise do Investimento Industrial em Energia Solar Fotovoltaica e Armazenamento de Energia – Estudo de caso da Bruning Tecnometal

  • Luydi Kunzler Botezeli Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria/RS
  • Renata de Noronha Goehring Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria/RS
  • Luciane Neves Canha Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria/RS
  • Diego Tolotti de Almeida Bruning Tecnometal, Panambi/RS
Keywords: Industry, Photovoltaic Generation, Energy Storage, Arbitrage, Behind-the-meter, Energy management


The studies related to alternative energy management with renewable sources of energy generation and storage are becoming increasingly a necessary and urgent agenda to face the exponential increase in energy consumption in the world according to environmental and sustainable requirements for the sector. With the proper management of the insertion of distributed energy resources in industrial consumers, several positive points arise regarding quality and reliability not only for the industrial consumer, but also for the distribution system and the environment. In this sense, this study evaluates in different scenarios the implementation of a photovoltaic solar energy generation and energy storage system in a metallurgical industry (Bruning Tecnometal), aiming at reducing electric energy expenses and seeking opportunities with behind-the-meter energy management. First, the current scenario of distributed energy resources is presented and the current scenario of energy contracting environments is analyzed. Then, the business models for energy self-production and energy storage are placed followed by the Bruning Tecnometal case study based on the company's energy reality.