Articles must be submitted according to the deadline date.

The article must have between 6 (six) and 8 (eight) pages, written according to the template in WORD or TEX for layout, regardless of the type of presentation oral or poster.

Articles must be written in Portuguese or English.

Download templates for submitting articles below:

Logo Word Instructions for Authors
Latex Logo Instructions for Authors
Logo Overleaf Instructions for Authors

Important Notes

  1. All submitted articles will be reviewed.

  2. The accepted articles must be presented at the event by one of the authors.

  3. All articles will be subject to plagiarism checking.

  4. The CBA 2022 Technical-Scientific Committee will select the best articles published and presented during the event. Authors of these articles will be invited to submit an extended English version of their work to a special issue of the Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems ISSN: 2195-3880 (print version) ISSN: 2195-3899 (electronic version). /40313

** Each accepted article must be associated with a registration in the Professional modality, for presentation at the event and publication in the proceedings.