* Deadline Extension* - Workshops/Tutorials in ICAR 2019

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Tutorials and workshops will be held on Dec 5 and 06, 2019, two days after the conference technical sessions days.

Please submit the completed workshop/tutorial proposal as a PDF file using PaperPlaza by:
August 15, 2019 (EXTENDED DEADLINE) 
via https://ras.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl

Proposals should follow the template below.

Questions should be directed to the workshops and tutorials Co-Chairs:
Bruno Adorno (adorno@ufmg.br), Luciano Pimenta (luciano.pimenta@gmail.com), and Vitor Jorge (vitor.jorge@cwldalgorithm.com)

Proposal Template Sections
1.     Type and Duration

Specify workshop or tutorial, half-day or full-day.

2.     Title
3.     Organizers

For each organizer, provide: affiliation, address, phone, email, and URL.
Indicate which one of the organizers will be the primary contact person.
All correspondence will be sent to this contact person, who will be expected to respond promptly.

4.     URL

Organizers are required to maintain a website with information about their workshop or tutorial.
The link to this website should be listed here. If possible, this link should be active at the time of submission (in this case, the website should indicate that it describes a "proposed workshop" or "proposed tutorial").
However, organizers may, if they choose, wait until after their proposal is accepted before creating the website.

5.     Abstract

A short paragraph that will be used to advertise your event on the ICAR 2019 website.

6.     Content

Describe your event in detail. Include a tentative schedule and a list of invited speakers (if any), indicating topics and if their participation is confirmed or still pending: briefly describe why contributed presentations reflect the state of the art. These are the main information which will be used to review the submission and its scientific quality.

7.     Plan to solicit participation

Describe how you will advertise and encourage participation in your event, particularly from researchers traditionally outside of the robotics community (if applicable). Steps that go beyond an email to robotics-worldwide are encouraged. Estimate the number of participants that you expect, and provide a basis for this estimate, such as attendance at similar events in past years. If you have organized similar events in the past, list them and provide the estimated attendance at each.

8.     Plan to encourage interaction among participants

Describe how you will promote active discussion. Steps that result in participants staying for the entire event and that increase the level of interaction between established experts and early-career researchers are particularly welcome.

9.     Dissemination

Describe briefly a dissemination plan of the outcome of the workshop. Solicitation of papers is encouraged by workshop organizers. These papers cannot take the form of conference paper submissions to be associated to the workshop. While they may be reviewed by the organizers prior to acceptance, they cannot be confused with regular, peer-reviewed, papers. Workshop papers cannot be published as peer reviewed papers. Specify the topics and why they would result in providing a wide view of the state of the art. Paper Template is downloadable on the IEEE RAS website.

Creation of an online accessible archive for discussions, media, and related articles is strongly encouraged: describe the process and how access may be provided to participants and ICAR 2019 attendees.
Organization of special issue in Tier 1 peer reviewed journals is encouraged. Letter of support from Editors-in-Chief will be strongly considered.

10. Equipment

A computer projector and screen will be provided. List all other required equipment, such as poster stands (how many), an easel and writing pad, etc.

11. Support of an IEEE RAS Technical Committee

If your workshop is in conjunction with an IEEE RAS Technical Committee (TC), please indicate that, and provide the contact  information and a brief (one sentence) statement of support from a TC chair. The full list of IEEE RAS TC's is available here: http://www.ieee-ras.org/technical-committees.



Data: Início: 05/12/2019
Encerramento: 06/12/2019
Local: UFMG Site: http://www.icar2019.org/

Bruno Vilhena Adorno

Sócio desde 2012
The University of Manchester
Endereço Profissional:
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
School of Engineering
The University of Manchester
Sackville Street
Manchester M13 9PL
United Kingdom
Currículo Resumido:
Bruno Vilhena Adorno obteve o título de engenheiro mecatrônico em 2005 e de mestre em engenharia elétrica em 2008, ambos pela Universidade de Brasília, e o título de doutor em sistemas automáticos e microeletrônicos em 2011 pela Universidade de Montpellier (França). Atualmente, é Senior Lecturer in Robotics (equivalente a Professor Associado) da Universidade de Manchester. De 2012 a 2020, foi professor do Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), onde foi co-fundador e co-líder do grupo de pesquisa Mecatrônica, Controle e Robótica (MACRO). Ele é membro sênior do IEEE, foi bolsista de produtividade em pesquisa do CNPq no triênio (2018-2021) e é o atual coordenador do Comitê Técnico de Robótica da Sociedade Brasileira de Automática (2017-2018 e 2019-2020). É autor ou co-autor de 17 artigos em periódicos e 35 em conferências / capítulos de livros. Ele é editor associado do IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters e do Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, também atua no corpo editorial da RSJ/IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems e do Congresso Brasileiro de Automática desde 2017. Seus interesses atuais de pesquisa incluem aspectos práticos e teóricos relacionados à cinemática, dinâmica e controle de robôs, com aplicações a manipuladores móveis, humanóides, sistemas de manipulação cooperativa, interação humano-robô e robótica de assistência.